How to View and Print my Paysheets
View Game Info on a Paysheet
1. Sign in to your ArbiterSports account as an official.
2. Click on the Payments tab, and then click on the Paysheets sub-tab.
3. The Paysheets page will display a summary of the paysheets that your assigner has created for you, including your name, check number, date created, and pay amount.
4. To view paysheet detail information click the [insert calendar icon picture] to view the detail information sorted by game date, or click the [insert magnifying glass icon picture] to view the detail information sorted by the game level.
5. The paysheet detail information will be displayed underneath the paysheet summary list, and will include the game fee, travel fees, and total calculations for each game or level. Also, the Additions & Deductions summary will list any non-game-related adjustments that have been included on your paysheet.
The payment status of your paysheet can be verified in the Check # cell of the paysheet summary. If the cell is blank, then the paysheet has not been marked as paid. If your assigner has paid you via ArbiterPay, then the cell will say “ArbiterPay;” if the your assigner has paid you via check, or another method, then your assigner should manually enter a check ID number in the cell.
You have not been paid
You have been paid via ArbiterPay
You have been issued a check.
To print out a copy of your paysheet, follow these instructions:
- Check the box to the left of the paysheet(s) you wish to print.
- Click the “Print Paysheets” button, underneath the paysheet summary.
- Select the format options you want for printing the paysheets
- Format – Select the document format you wish to print (Adobe Acrobat, Excel Worksheet, Word/Rich Text, Plain Text File, HTML Web Page, Tagged Image File).
- Level / Date – Print the paysheet summary sorted by game level, or game date.
- Game Detail – Include game information (game ID number, Date & Time, Sport & Level, Position, Home (or Site), Game Fee, Travel, Total).
- Add & Deduct Detail – includes detail information about specific adjustments in your Additions & Deductions summary.
- Mail Format – Includes the official’s address information in the upper portion of the paysheet printout.
- Home / Site – If you selected “Date,” you can select wither the Game Detail includes a column for the Home Team, or the Site where the game was played.
- Click the “Print” button. Make sure that you have disabled the pop-up blocker on your web browser.