March 26, 2018
CASRA Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Name |
Present |
Name |
Present |
Erik Endler |
Y |
Mitchell Williams |
Y |
Barry Lawrence |
Y |
Frank Giuliano |
Y |
Rey Quiroz |
Y |
Missy Lambert |
Y |
Desiree Ridgell |
Y |
Mark Patterson |
Y |
Bruce Cochrane |
Y |
Charlie Pope |
N |
Robert Fereday |
Y |
Trey Krell |
Y |
Kevin Garvey |
Y |
Marty Kuser |
Y |
Perry Kelley |
Y |
Others |
Robin Miller |
Y |
Mark Jennings |
Y |
Location : KCI Technologies Fulton, MD
Call to Oder: At 6:42 PM by President, Erik Endler
Approve Minutes:
Erick opened the discussion by commenting on the content of the minutes. He believed that a format should be adopted that reflects the decisions made but not all of the discussion details.
Rob F made the motion to approve
Barry L seconded
Motion carried unanimously
Law Suit Discussion
Thomas wants 16K to settle
Producing Assignor Records is not a possibility as it will violate confidentiality. Reports can be produced but kept secure for individual Assignor review.
Data for Assignor Reconciliation is an internal CASRA Matter.
Attorney Funding Requirements
$500.00 to edit Settlement Agreement. Frank G Motioned to approve the payment. Trey K seconded. Motion passed
$600.00 for potential response to the court petition. Mitchell W Motioned to approve the fund. Missy L seconded. Motion passed
Settlement Discussion
Discussion of acceptable counter-offer
1a List of all games is not possible
1b Assignor Audit will not be made public. Assignors will be given access to their match history
Payment Schedule of $7,500 in three increments. 4/30, 7/31 and 10/31
Release of CASRA from all future claims
Motion made by Trey K, seconded by Kevin G Motion passed
Global Elite Tournament
Thomas assigned the Global Elite Tournament. The question is whether or not he poached the tournament from CASRA.
Action - Robin will verify the contract with Global Elite
Need to determine if there was a contract violation.
EDP issues
Currently 1950 Matches with more coming in. Too many single game requests. For the Assignors this is becoming more work that it is worth. EDP has been contacted and discussions ongoing. No current resolution.
Treasurers Issues
Still trying to get a handle on cash flow.
Would like to establish a line of credit
Desiree is now named on all bank accounts
Desiree still needs to get a current AR list from John
Working on cancelling the PayPal Account
CASRA is still registered as a Corporation
9:23 PM Barry L made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitchell W, Motion Passed