High School Registration Information 2024-2025

High School Registration Information 2024-2025

CASRA assigns referees for the following high school leagues:
Public Schools in Saint Mary’s, Charles, Calvert and Howard Counties
IAAM Private Schools
Certain ISL and MAC schools (DC)
Other Private High Schools (throughout the State)

You must be at least 18 years of age and have Graduated from High School to work High School and Middle School games.
Background Check (all wishing to referee school games must complete):
CASRA requires a background check every two years for high school officials.   We started doing the background checks five years ago.  That means most experienced high school officials will not need to complete a new background check this year.   New high school officials and those who registered in an odd year will need to do the background check.   The process is streamlined simply requires you to give consent through Arbiter to have us check your background.    The cost for the background check will be $15 and will be deducted from a pay sheet in the fall.   The background check has a payment feature in it that will say $0, but we will be collecting $15 from everyone that completes the background check.  

Consent for the background check can be given here:
CASRA 2024 - 2025 Background Check 
Public School Registration (only those wishing to referee public school games):
The rules clinic and Registration and Payment below only apply for those officials that want to officiate Public School Games.   Those wishing to do only private schools only need to complete the background check.  
Public Schools Rules Clinic: 
All rule clinics will be taken online through the NFHS Learning network site.  Fall Rule Clinic will become available on the NFHS site on Monday July 22, 2024.  Officials are to download and save the clinic verification certificate at the end of the rule clinic course.  Rule Clinic Certificates should then be uploaded to the officials Dragonfly requirement profile.  The clinic online course attendance is mandatory for certification.  See link at the top left (MPSSAA Rules Clinic Directions) for instructions on how to access the clinic. 

Public Schools Registration and Payment: 

If you have been registered before for public school games - go to Dragon Fly Max Academy Log-In and login.   

(1) Accept the new terms of service.   
(2) When you get to your account home, click the "Complete Your Registration" box. 
(3) Update your demographic information and complete all the other steps.   
(4) Make sure CASRA (and any other you work for) is chosen as your local officials association.   You will only receive a rule book from CASRA if CASRA is marked as your primary association.  
(5) Click the "Review and Pay" box and finish checkout.  You will be charged $40 for the registration.   This covers the cost of the rule book, registration with MPSSAA and the insurance NFHS provides.
(6) When you go back to your login page - the follwing should say 100% completed and show up in green (Registration Status for [YOUR NAME] at MPSSAA | Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association : 2023-24) and (Eligibility Status for [YOUR NAME} at Capital Area Soccer Referee Association (soccer) : 2023-24)
(7) You will need to complete your test through the NFHS learning site which will appear as a new step when the test is available.  The test will be available starting August 1, 2024. 

If you did not register previously for public school games - complete the following steps:
(1) Each official must set up a Dragonfly account. This account will hold verification of NFHS Exam and Rule Clinic requirements.
(2) Go to: Dragon Fly Max Academy Sign-Up
(3) Click get started under the official’s icon
(4) Click on registration as an official and watch the tutorials for steps 1 and 2 of the registration processes
(5) Complete your demographic profile information and save. You now have a Dragonfly account
(6) You must complete all requirements to be registered as an official.
(7) Please use the same Email Address for all NFHS (Clinic Course and NFHS Exam) and Dragonfly registration logins.
(8) You will need to complete your test through the NFHS learning site which will appear as a new step when the test is available.  The test will be available starting August 1, 2024. 
MPSSAA Certification Pre-Requisites: 
In order to work a MPSSAA (varsity or JV) regular season or tournament contest you must be registered and certified.  The following requirements are necessary for certification.   

1. Be at least 18 years of age and a high school graduate.
2. Be a member in good standing with the local MPSSAA-recognized officials’ group.
3. Complete the on-line MPSSAA-sponsored rules interpretation clinic in the current year.
4. Pass the National Federation examination (75% is the lowest passing score and 85% is required for playoff games).

5. Pay the MPSSAA registration fee
6. Pass the CASRA Background Check (for CASRA clients).
Any questions, feel free to reach out.

Mark Jennings
Executive Director, CASRA

Erik Endler
President, CASRA
