Assignors List

Assignors List

To email any of the assignors, just click on the assignors name and send them a message.

MISSY LAMBERT (301-213-1614) - Calvert County: CSA Futsal/CSA Rec & Youth Tournaments Statewide

MARIA CRIBBS 301-957-1458) - Howard County & Olney Youth Leagues;
Soccer Association of Columbia Rec Leagues, NCSL: Adults; Howard County Women’s League; & Youth Tournaments Statewide

ANNIE DERZAK  (443-244-0033) - Baltimore and Carroll County Counties, Baltimore City,: Youth Leagues: APL & PRCL; High School/MS: IAAM, MIAA, Multiple Private High Schools/Middle Schools & Youth Tournaments Statewide

MARTY KUSER (410-960-8977) - Baltimore and Harford Counties, Baltimore City: Youth Leagues;
APL & PRCL, High School/MS; IAAM, MIAA Schools Balt & North, Multiple Private High Schools/Middle Schools & Youth/Adult Tournaments


CHRIS MEYERS (240-561-2133) - Anne Arundel, Prince Georges & Howard Counties: Youth Leagues; APL ECNL, NCSL, PRCL, Anne Arundel County Rec & Futsal; High Schools/MS; Howard County Public High Schools, Anne Arundel County Private High Schools/ Middle Schools, IAAM, MIAA & Youth Tournaments Statewide

WAYNE MOZZO (301-904-9299) - St Mary’s County: Youth Leagues;
St. Mary's Recreational League and Futsal; Youth Tournaments

JUSTIN PERRY (410-804-8148) - Youth Leagues;
ECNL, Girls Academy, Youth Tournaments: High Schools: All MIAA - A Conference Varsity Games; Youth Tournements State Wide

MIKE TRETICK  (240-882-2121) Calvert and Charles County: Youth Leagues; Calvert County Rec & Southern Maryland/ Charles County indoor - FUTSAL Statewide – Youth Tournaments

MARGIE WATSON  (240-346-1758)Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's Counties: Youth Leagues; NCSL Waldorf & Charles County Rec; High Schools/MS; SMAC High Schools & Private High Schools/Middle Schools

BOB WOOD (302-531-4444) - Montgomery County, Frederick County, Eastern Shore, Queen Anne County & Wash DC: DC Adult Leagues; Multi; Youth Leagues: ECNL, NCSL; High Schools/MS; IAAM, MIAA, ISL & MAC Private DC Schools, Private High Schools/Middle Schools Montgomery County, & Youth Tournaments